About CWDA


About CWDA



The County Welfare Directors Association of California - CWDA - is a nonprofit association representing the human service directors from each of California’s 58 counties. The Association’s mission is to promote a human services system that encourages self-sufficiency of families and communities, and protects vulnerable children and adults from abuse and neglect.

(L to R) Charlie Stuart, CWD San Joaquin County, Ron Born, CWD San Francisco, C. A. Herbage, Deputy Director SDSW, and Sam Thompson, CWD Alameda County, attended the American Public Welfare Association nationwide meeting in Chicago, December 8, 1945.


CWDA’s rich 97-year history cements its place as one of the most important social and political organizations in the landscape of local, state, and national human services policy.

Est. 1926 and First Constitution

The association was established at the 1926 annual meeting of the California Conference of Social Work. This unofficial group of public welfare organizations, with a membership of 20 people, was first dubbed the Association of California’s Executives of Public Welfare. The name was changed to the County Welfare Directors Association in 1943.



The County Welfare Directors Association membership/Board of Directors consists of the director of each California county human services department.



CWDA’s Executive Committee guides the association toward its mission, with oversight from the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee is composed of six annually elected officers, who serve along with two representatives from Los Angeles County, two representatives from California’s 20 small counties, the chairs of the Fiscal and Legislative Committees, and the immediate past president. The current CWDA President chairs the Executive Committee.



With a team of 13 full-time staff, a handful of consultants and a Washington, D.C.-based legislative advocate, CWDA plays an invaluable role in shaping human services policies and programs on the state and federal levels. Meet the team Advancing Human Services for the Welfare of All Californians.

925 L Street, Suite 350
Sacramento, CA 95814
Office: (916) 443-1749
Fax: (916) 443-3202