CWDA Letters on Key Issues in 2021-22 Budget Discussions
The County Welfare Directors Association respectfully urges your
support for funding included in the Joint Legislative State
Budget Plans for implementation of two important CalFresh policy
Simplifications to Improve Program Access
The 2020-21 budget enacted several new requirements for county
administration of the CalFresh program to improve access to the
program and included $28 million General Fund (GF) to support the
associated automation and workload needed for implementation
beginning in the current year. Largely because of the pandemic,
however, official instructions were not issued until very late in
the fiscal year and implementation of the changes has been
delayed. To accommodate the delay in the implementation timing,
funding originally provided in the current year is being shifted
to the budget year. However, in recalculating the amount of
funding needed in each fiscal year, the California Department of
Social Services (CDSS) made a determination that counties did not
need a portion of the additional funding that had already been
provided for one of the new mandated provisions. The CDSS decided
that the new requirement that each county dedicate at least one
staff position to liaise with local Medi-Cal assisters from
community-based organizations (CBOs) to increase dual enrollment
between Medi-Cal and CalFresh was a function that counties should
already be able to absorb into their current administrative
budgets. This is not the case, which is why counties requested
and the current year budget contained funding for this new