Systemwide Partners Take Transformative Steps Toward Integrating a Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered Lens


The panel discussion will provide a broad and historical overview of the formation of the Cross-Agency Services Team (CAST), a cross-system collaborative of leaders, dedicated to improving well-being, health, and service delivery for families and children from a whole child, whole family approach. System and partner leaders identified historical trauma to be prevalent across many of the families and children in most need of high intervention services. Different from
individual trauma, historical trauma affects populations that have experienced cumulative and collective trauma over multiple generations, such as American Indians, African Americans, immigrant groups, LGBTQ communities, and families experiencing intergenerational poverty. CAST partners recognize that healing happens in community, that an integrated system of care supports healing, and together, they guide system and community actions toward transformation. A trauma-informed lens directs system partners to collaborate and develop co-investment strategies in support of planning, testing, and integrating guiding principles and best practices in all domains of the framework.

  • Dr. Arcel Blume: Director, Office of Cultural Competency, Santa Clara County Office of the County Executive
  • Patty Irwin: Senior Management Analyst, Santa Clara County Social Services Agency
  • Maretta Juarez: Behavioral Health Division Director, Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Department
  • Alex Villa: Probation Division Manager, Santa Clara County Probation Department Juvenile Division