Healing and Housing Through the San Joaquin County WORKs Programs


To provide strategies on how to utilize multiple funding streams in order to offer wraparound services to CalWORKs families. This presentation will provide insight on how San Joaquin County provides a variety of services to families utilizing the CalWORKs Home Visiting Program, the CalWORKs Housing Support Program, Family Stabilization, and CalWORKs Mental Health and Substance Abuse funding in order to remove barriers that prevent families from achieving self-sufficiency. Participants will learn how all programs work individually and together, as well as looking at a recent evaluation of the WORKs programs. In addition, participants will have an opportunity to collaborate together to explore additional strategies to help improve the future system of care.

  • Lani Schiff-Ross – San Joaquin County Human Services Agency First 5 San Joaquin Executive Director

  • Dawn McLeish – San Joaquin County Human Services Agency Deputy Director of Human Services Agency

  • Dawn Narayan – San Joaquin County Human Services Agency/First 5 San Joaquin Contracts Analyst