San Diego Elder Justice Task Force (EJTF): Combating Elder Scams With Local/Federal Collaboration


Billions of dollars are being stolen from Elder Victims each year. While the scammers are mostly overseas, there is a black-market economy of gift cards, cash, and crypto-currency flourishing within the US. Sadly, when the thousands of victims each year report these crimes to the police, they are told, “sorry, there is nothing we can do.” The San Diego Elder Justice Task Force (EJTF) set out to answer the question of “What COULD we do?” The EJTF is an unprecedented collaboration by local and federal agencies and has revealed a Road Map for combating these scams. Do to the sensitive content in this session, no handouts or copies of the presentation will be available.

  • Felix Salazar – San Diego County District Attorney’s Office District Attorney Investigator

  • Scott Pirrello – San Diego County District Attorney’s Office Deputy District Attorney

  • Nancy Pham-Klingler – San Diego County Adult Protective Services Sr. Adult Protective Services Specialist